Sunday, February 04, 2007

Dearly Departed & A Private Hotel for Gentle Ladies

I recently finished Dearly Departed by Elinor Lipman and A Private Hotel for Gentle Ladies by Ellen Cooney. I bought Dearly Departed a while ago at Atlantic Book Warehouse and it's just been sitting on my shelf. I'm not sure why I hadn't read it yet. I've read a few other books by Elinor Lipman and reading this one made me remember why I had enjoyed the others. I like her style of writing and enjoy her dry humor. This wasn't necessarily a funny book, but certain passages made me laugh out loud. She seems to write the way she's thinking and that's something I can never do. My writing always seems dull and stilted to me, and I don't think that's how I'm thinking. If that makes any sense. While I did enjoy it, I was left with a few questions at the end of it. If Miles was paying child support the whole time, why didn't he ever acknowledge that he had a daughter. Sunny never seemed to consider that. I think she would've liked to have had a father.

I didn't like A Private Hotel for Gentle Ladies as much as I'd hoped to. The premise is interesting and certainly made me want to read it! The hotel in the title is a women's hotel where the male porters discreetly visit the women guests, if you know what I mean. The book went on too much in Charlotte's head and not enough in the present. I would've liked more development of some of the other characters, the guests at the hotel, Mrs. Petty, Hays. You only saw them from Charlotte's persepctive which wasn't enough.

Right now I'm reading The Innocent Man by John Grisham for book club. We meet next Monday.

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