It's been a long time since I've posted, but I have been reading.
Shattered Dreams: My Life as a Polygamist's Wife by Irene Spencer - This was an interesting book. For some reason I'm fascinated by polygamy, probably because it's something I can't imagine ever doing and don't understand anyone else agreeing to be part of. I guess if you grow up with something and are taught to believe that it's the right way to live and the only way you're going to get to heaven you might have a hard time going against it. I did think it strange that even though she saw how awful it was for her Mother and her Mother was actively against it for her own children, she did it anyway. I'm glad she had a happy ending and found a relationship that was more fulfilling for her, and that most of her children chose a different path than she did.
A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini - I read this for book club and probably wouldn't have otherwise. It's one of those books where there was so much hype I was sure the actual book wouldn't live up to the high expectations. It was actually really good. It's hard to believe that people actually live in conditions like that. I can't imagine living in a place where it's possible my friends or families will be killed by a stray bomb. I also can't imagine living in a place where I'm not allowed to walk down the street by myself and have to wear a head to toe covering. I understand that other cultures are different from my own, but it makes me glad that mine isn't like that.
Inside the Crips: Life Inside L.A.'s Most Notorious Gang by Colton Simpson - I'm fascinated by gangs and by prisons. I love watching the Supermax shows on tv. I'm not sure why. This book gave an inside look at both of these. Again, this book showed a life that is so far removed from my daily experience it's hard to even imagine. There was so much random killing and for what seemed like no good reason.
Right now I'm reading Getting Stoned With Savages by J. Maarten Troost. I had previously read The Sex Lives of Cannibals by the same author. So far I like it and I like his style of writing. His titles kind of crack me up, but I wonder what people thought in the dentist office this morning when they saw the title of the book I was reading!